Cannabis and Holistic Health Practices

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Cannabis is a natural, holistic healer that can play many roles in your wellness plan. From using marijuana as a supplement to recreational usage, this plant can help bring balance back to your body and mind.

Holistic health practices emphasize treating the root cause of an issue rather than simply relieving symptoms. They take into account a patient's mind, body, feelings and environment when creating treatment plans.

What Is Holistic Medicine?
Holistic physicians generally approach your body as an ecosystem. They respect the mind-body connection and utilize various clinically proven treatments to promote wellness in their patients. Furthermore, holistic practitioners prioritize building strong doctor-patient relationships and patient empowerment.

Many of us know we should eat better, get enough restful sleep and lower our stress levels, yet making these lifestyle changes can sometimes be daunting. A holistic doctor will take time to discuss this matter and assess which strategies or techniques might be most suitable for your individual situation.

Holistic practitioners use an integrative approach, seeking out and treating any underlying causes as well as symptoms. This holistic approach helps individuals become more resilient against health issues in the future and prevent further health complications from appearing. Holistic practitioners may combine traditional research-backed treatment methods with meditation and mindfulness practices for an overall treatment plan designed to make you healthier and happier every day of life.

Naturopathy, along with acupuncture, herbal medicine and other holistic modalities such as yoga and pilates, is founded upon the belief that our bodies possess an inherent ability to heal themselves naturally. This philosophy stands in stark contrast with modern orthodox medical education which typically emphasizes treating disease after it has already appeared rather than preventative measures.

Naturopaths use various approaches to diagnosis to identify the source of illness by considering physical, emotional, genetic and environmental influences. Their belief that prevention is better than cure encourages them to involve their patients as active participants in their health care.

NDs are licensed to prescribe medications and in some states can perform minor surgeries like stitching up wounds. Unfortunately, most naturopaths attend non-medical schools with "nature" or "naturopathy" in the name and do not qualify for medical degrees necessary for licensure as physicians; their services usually do not fall under insurance coverage either, though they encourage patients to adopt healthy lifestyle and dietary practices.

Massage Therapy
Massage may seem like an indulgent treat, but therapeutic massage has numerous health advantages. Regular sessions of therapeutic massage have been found to lower blood pressure and heart rate while decreasing stress hormone production such as cortisol.

Massage can increase production of serotonin, an essential mood-elevating neurotransmitter. This may aid with depression and improve sleep quality; studies have also demonstrated its ability to relieve fibromyalgia pain and cancer-related fatigue as well as improving bowel function for those recovering from surgery or suffering inflammatory diseases.

Massage can enhance lymphatic flow, helping the body maintain fluid balance. Massage therapy may ease symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and arthritis; reduce nerve damage in those living with Multiple Sclerosis; as well as ease spasticity - an involuntary contraction of muscles due to spinal cord injuries or MS (Pandyan et al. 2005). Cannabis may be combined with holistic approaches in treating these conditions (Pandyan et al., 2005).

Nutrition Counseling
Holistic treatment emphasizes balancing mind, body and spirit. Cannabis helps treat symptoms like pain, insomnia and anxiety while augmenting other holistic therapies.

Registered dietitians are experienced professionals qualified to offer nutritional counseling. They can assist with weight loss or gain, food intolerances and eating disorders.

Small clinical trials have demonstrated that oral or inhaled cannabinoids increase appetite and weight in those suffering from HIV-associated wasting syndrome, anorexia nervosa or cancer-associated anorexia-cachexia syndrome. One trial demonstrated that higher doses of inhaled cannabis were linked with greater increases in weight than their counterpart (Lutge et al. 2013).

Cannabis could help some cigarette smokers reduce the use of opioid pain relievers. A randomized controlled trial with individuals addicted to tobacco found that inhaling marijuana reduced desire and withdrawal symptoms significantly; further research must be conducted into its effectiveness for other addictions as well as how cannabis compares with traditional therapy approaches.

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